Saturday, August 1, 2009

First of All......

i'm a new girl....freshman,,,intern,,,houseman,,,


saya ingat lagi kali pertama saya tau where is my first hospital as a housemen..masa tu ada di kuala terengganu, YT Midtown Hotel, kuala terengganu...time tu tgh pergi kursus induksi..

petang tu encik amin datang bawa surat tawaran kami...

dup dap dup dap!!! aku n the geng duduk row depan sekali....sebb kitaorg nk tgkp gmbr moment penting tu...haha..

ketika encik amin serahkan surat tu pada izan....mereka bertenteng mata..haha

fairul hepi sgt dapat hospital Ampang.....
P/s : gambar aku takde sebb aku sgt sedih time tu.....

Actually masa tu aku rase sedih sgt sebab aku tak dapat my first choice hospital...petang tu i'm crying badly sampai bengkak & merah mata..then terus tulis surat nk petang tu tetiba hati aku rase redha ngn hospital yangaku dpt tu....lagipun surat appeal yangaku fax tu tak sampai kt kementerian tu..

dipendekkan cerita,,,now i'm a new housemen in this hospital

"hopital tuanku ampuan najihah,kuala pilah, negeri sembilan"

selepas sebulan i'm working here i feel very blessing with HIS destiny for me....WHY????

  1. my family lives here,,so now i live in my own house,,,,tk perlu pun duduk kat kuarters...

  2. no need to drive to work,,,jalan kaki duit minyak!! haha...

  3. kat sini weekend cuti kecuali oncall!! huhu...tu yang paling best tu...dalam sebulan oncall weekend 2 kali je...bestkan?? haha....

  4. this is district hospital,,,so lebih kurang la macam kt sabah & sarawak semua kerja depends more on HO because our MO tk ramai....We run clinic,,,ward,,minor OT n assist in major OT ( actually surgery is my 1st posting ) i learn more here....

apepun,, bila contact semua kgkwan,,semua orang rase sgt stress dgn tagging n kerja sebab we all not familiar with the real situation in managing patient...sekarang ni kite yang kena plan & buat the management....masa student dulu kite just clerk je n copy management....teori tk sama ngn practical....
danlagi satu yang buat kite semua rase tertekan when all the nurses and patient start to call us " DOKTOR" sebab rase we pegang the biggest responsible..suatu hari aku ditinggalkan sensorang diri di wad.semua MO dan HO pergi KLINIK.......tetiba...

nurse : doktor, patient temperature spiking la....38 degree

dr murni : ooo...yeke...patient demam....erm...

nurse : nak buat ape doktor???

dr murni : saya baru lagi,,saya tak tau nak buat ape la kak nurse....
( di kala itu aku rasa sangat bodoh sebab patient demam pun tak reti nak manage..major biggest loser!!! )

as time goes by akhirnye aku tau jawapan for fever tu only tepid sponging & T. PCM 1g STAT........anyway....after 1 month of housemenship still alots things to learn....yang penting KUATKAN SEMANGAT dan DOA BANYAK2.

remember..... "after every sadness there will be a great happiness"


  1. huh....takut jugak nak start keje nanti
    kalau akak yg study malaysia tu mc tu, ape pulak nasib kami yg blajar luar nie?

    moga2 kite dipermudahkanNYA,...amin

  2. actually bile dah keje kena pandai bawak diri n adaptation je......ilmu mungkin bukan problem besar...but to be a doctor kenala berilmu....insyaallah.......

  3. salam...

    Dr murni, sy baru pass exam and nak apply hospital... nak tye psal gaji... brape bersih dpt sbb nak plan kewangan ni... if you dont mind, bleh hantarkan kat emel sy it would be a great help... thank you dr.
